Healing Time on Earth

Welcome fellow humans  – I assume you, like me are wondering what the hell has happened to our world. With little notice and the speed of light our worlds have been flipped upside down. The life we considered “normal,” seems so long ago

As I have struggled over these past few weeks to make sense of the present state of affairs, I have felt very fortunate to find different people, websites, practices and ideas that have given me support.

As I truly feel our recovery is a collective effort, the thought came to me that even in reposting here what has supported me, I might be able to help someone out there looking for direction.

Honestly, I don’t have the answers but I have spent the last nine years looking for a better way and as a result may have had a bit of a running start.

Thus, with deep humility and gratitude for all that is given I hope to share ideas, links, inspiration thru this platform.

Today’s message will be my own compilation of thoughts, which form the backbone of my life practice:

1) God is good. Many events on earth are hard to understand and we like to blame God. But God is all loving and only wants for us the greatest earth experience we can possibly have.

Here I mention God, for I do believe in a “God” and yet I need to mention that I do not preach a certain religion.  It is my hope that you connect with your own spirituality.  Unlike religions that require specific beliefs, Spirituality is free, silent, creative, and personal.  Many people today have lost connection with the inherent mystical nature of spirituality and looking within.  This is what is needed at this time as we heal here on earth.

2) Challenges are part of the human contract. We come here to learn and to advance spiritually. You can’t do that without a few challenges. Nobody likes to suffer, but possibly what we need to do is reframe how we look at unpleasant events in our life. We need to change our perspective on “tough times.”

3) God, the Universe or Divine Energy , what ever it is you wish to call the powers at be, has a plan and its one far more beautiful then any we could imagine. We need to trust and listen. “We are held by a love far greater then we can imagine. I trust that love to guide me to my highest and best self and purpose”.

So, why Covid 19?

1) We as the whole of humanity were off track. Rushing thru our lives, chasing this, judging that, and loving this and hating that. 

2) We need to rethink. We need to re-prioritize. We needed a pause. We to needed to reexamine what is truly meaningful in our life.

My biggest message is you are a reflection of what you think. More specifically your outer world reflects your inner world.  Be careful what you think and believe. It eventually greets you at the front door and confronts you.

The second great thought is that you attract to you what you think about.  Maintain a negative perspective and you will receive a negative experience. Cultivate love, compassion, forgiveness, and gratitude and receive the same.

The answer appears clear which road to take.

The Virus can be our greatest teacher if approached in a proper light. The hard part is to do the inner work that is needed to change the outer reality.

And given this is a global event; it will take a global soul searching, growth, insight, love and compassion to recover. Let us imagine the earth healing, let us imagine her being wrapped in a warm loving bright light that will heal her and all the beings that live with her.

It’s a journey folks, but what better time then the present to start? There is certainly a great deal riding on our response. 

Namaste. Gratitude first.

All Love – Maryann

Here are some links to the inspirational teachers, videos and news letters that have helped my on my journey.

Look up on YouTube

  1. Sadhguru – Indian Yogi, Author & Modern Day Mystic
  2. Mooji – Jamaican Spiritual Teacher
  3. Carolyn Myss – Author, Spiritual Teacher & Intuit
  4. Tina Louise Spalding – Author & channels non physical beings 
  5. Roberta Grimes – Author & Afterlife expert
  6. Ryan Kurkzak – Astologer & Diciple of  Paramahasna Yogananda

Websites and online News Letters

  1. DailyOM – www.today@dailyom.com
  2. Center for Action & Contemplation – Mediations@cac.org
  3. Stephen Dinan – The Shift Network – Stephen@theshiftnetwork.com      

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